NEW DELHI — Millions of yoga enthusiasts bent and twisted their bodies in complex postures across India and much of...
Dear Presenter, Organizers would like you to consider the following points of view when preparing your oral presentation. We hope...
Research Papers are invited from prospective physicians, academicians, researchers and practitioners in the field of clinical medicine who endeavor to...
Yoga Changes Gene Expression Yoga has a positive impact on the genetic level, claims study. The researchers have written that...
The world is increasingly becoming globalized and specific industries are playing a major role in the economic development of a...
Sushrutha was the world’s first plastic surgeon. In fact, surgery started in India, a country which performed all modern surgical...
Process of Oleation: Properties of Taila Taila /Oil: Oil has an important role in Panchakarma process. It is mentioned in...
In Panchakarma procedures administration of Sneh (Oil/Ghee/Fat etc.) is an important treatment for Vata disorders. It is one of the...
Panchakarma is a procedure which can be undertaken by any healthy individual to maintain one’s health and also to prevent...
Argemone Mexicana or prickly poppy(satyanashi) is antimicrobial, antidiabetic, antioxidant and hepatoprotective used to treat many diseases in ayurvedic medicine. Its...
Genus: Paeonia Botanical name: Paeonia emodi PLANT NAME IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES Sanskrit: chandra Hindi: Chandayra, Chandra, Chandrain, Ud-salap, Udsalap English:...
We all are familiar with a nutritiuos food Finger millets,which is commonly known as 'Mandua or Ragi' in India.This is...
A large number of plants are being increasingly used in the treatment of pain and inflammatory conditions. The preference to...
Asthma represents a profound world-wide public health problem. Glucocorticoid dependent asthma presents a great clinical burden and reducing the side-effects...
Scorpion sting is one of the common life threatening acute medical emergencies and also can be considered as ignored public...