Dandelion tea (Taraxacum a large genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae and consists of species commonly known as...
Palash is used as tonic and anthelmintic in Ayurveda. In Ayurvedic treatise Acharya Charak and Sushruta mentioned the medicinal use...
George Hara, Chairman of the Alliance Forum Foundation (AFF) based in San Francisco, USA, would be addressing the Ayush Darpan...
While South Korea is battling with a MERS outbreak, that has killed 24 people and infected 166 people, North Korea...
A new study has shed light on how cancer patients' attitudes and beliefs drive the use of complementary and alternative...
Yoga Changes Gene Expression Yoga has a positive impact on the genetic level, claims study. The researchers have written that...
The world is increasingly becoming globalized and specific industries are playing a major role in the economic development of a...
Asthma represents a profound world-wide public health problem. Glucocorticoid dependent asthma presents a great clinical burden and reducing the side-effects...
Scorpion sting is one of the common life threatening acute medical emergencies and also can be considered as ignored public...