Ayush Darpan ISSNN0.0976-3368

Health awareness across the globe….

International Seminar Bhutan :News Report

5 min read

International seminar on Role of Ayush in the development of tourism between South Asia  was organised at Thimphu, Bhutan on 11th July 2019. This programme was jointly organized by Ayush Darpan Foundation Trust and Vishwa Ayurved Parishad Nepal.The program was supported by America’s International Board of Medicine and Surgery  .Before the programme Indian Ambassador to Bhutan Smt Ruchira Kamboj was felicitated by the organizing team. The programme was inaugurated by institute of traditional medicine Bhutan chief medical officer Drg Wugen Wangchuk.Keynote speaker Drg Sangey Saungaytmh shared his experience on the Bhutanese Traditional Medicine.Speaker Dundup Wangyal introduced  the functioning of Institute of Traditional Medicine in Bhutan.Drg Deki Chodna,Drg Nema Dema ,Dr Arti Tripathi ,Dr P.K Gupta also shared their experience about the CAM and it’s role in the tourism Development.Dr Vijay Sharma IBMS President shared his mission on 1 Health 1 Human .Dr Navin Joshi and Dr Uday Kulkarni introduced  Ayurvedic Marma Science and Viddhagni to Bhutanese counterpart.Dr J.N.Nautiyal also shared his experience on Ayurvedic Panchakarma.Programme was  finalized with cultural programme in Simple Bhutan .To watch the news report click the video  link

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