Conference and workshop on Marma Science commenced at ESI Medical college,Hyderabad
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Two days marma science workshop commenced at the ESI MedicalCollege,Hospital,Hyderabad,Telangana in the 250 seater auditorium .The programme was inaugurated by the Deputy Commissioner of ESIC Ayush hospital Dr G.Prabhakar Rao and Dr Sampat vice principal ESI MedicalcollegeHospital,Telangana,Hyderabad.In the inaugural programme . Dr Madhuri ,Registrar ESI Medical college were also present as guest of honor.The programme is jointly organised by the Ayush Darpan Foundation Trust India and ESI Medical college hospital,Hyderabad .This programme is supported by National Institute of Naturopathy,Pune(Under Ayush Department).The programme started with lighting of Lamp and Dhanvantari Vandana as well as Ganesh Vandana.In the inaugural session a lecture feeling with the Introduction of Marma science was given by Dr Navin Joshi ,Founder of Ayush Darpan Foundation Trust india.The key note speech was given by renowned Marma expert Prof.Sunil Joshi,campus Director,Uttarakhand Ayurved University,Dehradun.Welcome speech was given by Dr Sailaza Wani DMS Ayush wing ESI Medical college,Hospital,Sanathnagar,Hyderabad.Ayush Darpan foundation co-founder Pt Manish Uprety FRAS enlightened about the Future activities of Ayush Darpan Foundation trust about the propagation and promotion of the Ayush system in India and south asia.Master of ceremony is Dr Tanuja Mary from ESI Medical college,Hyderabad.