Ayush Darpan ISSNN0.0976-3368

Health awareness across the globe….

E.nerifolia:a natural wound healer

5 min read

It has a small tree or a fleshy or pulpy creeper that attains a height of 6 to 20 feet. Trunk and branches are thorny and nodulated. Trunk may rounded or pentagonal in shape. Thorns are small and stem contains spiral lines on it. Leaves are green and are 6 to 12 inch in length, pulpy, annual, ovate shaped and are present at the apex of the branch in group. Fruit is ½ inch long having deep three angles. In winters leaves are shed of by tree and in spring the plant flowers and fruits.
It is vata and kapha suppressant. It is a good pain reliever. It works as purgative; it purifies blood and is anti- inflammatory agent. It helps in expelling out the extra amount of mucus in the respiratory tract. It helps in treating in related aliments. It is also used in treating poisoning.
According to ayurveda it contains
Gunna (properties) — laghu (light) and tikshan (sharp)
Rasa (taste) — katu (pungent)
Virya (potency) — ushan (hot)

Powder — it is being used in indigestions and constipation. It also finds its use in diabetes, respiratory problems, and mental disturbances. It also helps in stopping the poisoning effect of any kind of poisons.
Milk — it is used for application on wounds, piles, pains, inflammations, skin problems, toothache, impotence and erectile dysfunction.


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